April 2001

Voting Area Fixed -- Monday, April 30 2001

As some of you may have noticed, the voting area was not working over the past couple of days. My web server ran out of space and when one person voted it couldn't add the vote so it reset the count to zero!! My web server has added a new hard drive and the problem is fixed but all those votes over the month are gone.

So this is what I'm going to do. First, keep voting. Second, I'll set up my backup program to regularly backup the voting. Third, at the end of May I will put up reviews for the top two voted movies and lastly, sometime over the next week I'll put up one extra review from a non-biker movie but has a good bike scene in it.
I hope this makes up for the mess and trouble that has occurred.

Easy Rider Review Posted -- Sunday, April 1 2001

I have now posted the review and clip for Easy Rider.

Coming soon!

Footer shit here